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Which is nested nested class in std : : vector < bool?

Asked by Brennan David on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

The std::vector<bool> specialization defines std::vector<bool>::reference as a publicly-accessible nested class. std::vector<bool>::reference proxies the behavior of references to a single bit in std::vector<bool>. The primary use of std::vector<bool>::reference is to provide an l-value that can be returned from operator [].
In fact,
Nested means here that all terms of a smaller model occur in a larger model. This is a necessary condition for using most model comparison tests like likelihood ratio tests. In the context of multilevel models I think it's better to speak of nested and non-nested factors.
Subsequently, We can also gradually build the three ranges corresponding to the shape parameters and perform the subtraction against the three elements of roi on the fly without actually creating the meshes as done earlier with np.mgrid. This would be benefited by the use of broadcasting for efficiency purposes. The implementation would look like this -
I am receiving the JSON formatted string from a web service over the Internet. I need to get the array of companies out of this results element and add these to a list of companies, something like List<Company>, where Company is a simple class with Name, City, and State properties. Finally, I am not able to use any third party JSON parsers.
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Only the last dot in a string of x:Class values is interpreted to separate namespace and classname. The class that is used as x:Class cannot be a nested class. Nested classes are not allowed because determining the meaning of dots for x:Class strings is ambiguous if nested classes are permitted.