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Which is easier to trace altitudinal migration or long distance migration?

Asked by Musa Hicks on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

Altitudinal migration, as a short-distance migration pattern, has been easier to trace than long-distance patterns. Still, while the proximate causes and physiological adaptations for migrations are well understood, determining the ultimate causes have been difficult.
In addition,
Altitudinal migration, as a short-distance migration pattern, has been easier to trace than long-distance patterns. Still, while the proximate causes and physiological adaptations for migrations are well understood, determining the ultimate causes have been difficult.
Thereof, Altitudinal migration. It has a high rate of frugivory, migrates from lower elevations to higher elevations on a predictable breeding-season based cycle, and part of the population is migratory, with a small portion possibly remaining at the breeding sites year-round.
However, it is correct that latitudinal migration takes place for change of climatic conditions. Latitudinal migration can be seen in several birds e.g. Golden plover ( Pluvialis dominica) of America which spends nine months of winter, 8000 miles south in Argentina.
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Temperate bat species are also altitudinal migrants. Their migratory patterns are sex-biased altitudinal migrations, with females inhabiting lower elevations during reproductive periods. Altitudinal migration, as a short-distance migration pattern, has been easier to trace than long-distance patterns.