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Which is correct log in or login login?

Asked by Sunny Montoya on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

Log in vs. login Login, spelled as one word, is only a noun or an adjective. For example, the information you use to sign into your email is your login (noun), and the page where you sign in is the login page (adjective). Log in is two words when it functions as a verb.
Also Know,
The phrase log in is a phrasal verb which means to go through the procedures to begin use of a computer, database, or system. Log in to the computer and adjust the network settings. Login as noun: The term login is used as a noun in English language where it means the word/term used to give access to anything digital.
Consequently, Is it login or log in? Log in and login have only seen heavy use since personal computers became ubiquitous in the 1980s, but they are now so common that misusing them in your writing can cost you credibility. Log in (two words) should only be used as a verb. Login (one word) can be a noun or an adjective.
The verb is log in. The verbs are two words: log in and log out, whereas the nouns are login and logout (often used like adjectives in compound nouns). Yes, I agree: Use " log in to " as a verb. So use that for giving instructions.
In addition,
As for “Log in to” versus “Log into,” I would use the former because I think that “log in” is a fixed phrase. Martha’s answer to another question is also related.