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Which is better wpf or wpf-mvvm framework?

Asked by Gracelynn Cortes on Dec 15, 2021 FAQ

After 6 years experience with WPF I became a big proponent of ViewModel-First approach. MVVM then becomes much simpler. But most frameworks work better with View-First approach. So, my vote is to not use any MVVM framework. If you have to use one, choose Prism.MVVM. And look at the source codes, they are well written.
Just so,
Once a developer becomes comfortable with WPF and MVVM, it can be difficult to differentiate the two. MVVM is the lingua franca of WPF developers because it is well suited to the WPF platform, and WPF was designed to make it easy to build applications using the MVVM pattern (amongst others).
In this manner, MVVM Light - Laurent Bugnion's take on it, and just updated to version 2. This is a very good framework, but again it's not intended to cover every single aspect of MVVM applications. Given Laurent's background, it has very strong Silverlight and Blendability support in it.
Next steps. This article describes the differences between Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) on .NET Core and .NET Framework. WPF for .NET Core is an open-source framework forked from the original WPF for .NET Framework source code. There are a few features of .NET Framework that .NET Core doesn't support.
The demonstration program that accompanies this article can serve as a template for a real WPF application that uses MVVM as its core architecture. The unit tests in the demo solution show how easy it is to test the functionality of an application's user interface when that functionality exists in a set of ViewModel classes.