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Which is better virtual networking event or in person networking event?

Asked by Esther Burgess on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

Virtual networking events can get trickier than in-person events if you don’t get the invite list and number of attendees right. At in-person events, people can easily break off into smaller, side conversations, meet up with or avoid other attendees at their choosing. So who you invite – and how many – doesn’t matter as much.
Also Know,
The only difference between an in-person networking event and a virtual one is that everyone involved in the virtual happy hour will get to be part of your conversation. But you still likely have certain people who you are more interested in meeting when it comes to your business goals.
Additionally, Most of our virtual networking events will begin with an icebreaker or chat as we wait for people to join. Many participants will answer the question the host asks but few try to engage with one another during this time. If someone shares something that’s of interest to you, feel free to comment on this.
In fact,
Virtual events are growing rapidly in both quality & quantity. In-person events will always have their own charm but now they can be augmented with an online version that provides a broader reach & experience. If you think a virtual platform can host only limited kinds of events, then you are mistaken.
Make a list of your networking goals. Goals can include “introduce yourself to five new people” or “trade emails with ten attendees”, but making a list will help you focus your efforts and help you know where and how to invest your time to further your personal career success and professional advancement. 4.