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Which is better prestack depth migration or time migration?

Asked by Selene Shepherd on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

Prestack depth migration will provide an error estimate of the migrated result. Depth migration typically takes 10 times longer to run than time migration and is very sensitive to velocity errors (required to be within 1%) and may require many iterations which further increases run time.
Pre-Stack Depth Migration. Kirchhoff Pre-Stack Depth Migration (Pre-SDM) is the most commonly used pre-stack migration algorithm and it is well suited for moderately complex geology settings. The algorithm handles steep dips imaging and produces common image gathers for further velocity analysis.
Accordingly, Results of both migration categories are most often displayed in time (as in the examples shown here) because of added uncertainties in results converted to depth. While depth migration is capable of accurate subsurface imaging where velocity is complex, the required accurate estimation of velocity is difficult and time consuming.
In fact,
Due to the data volumes involved, prestack migration takes at least the fold of the data longer to compute than poststack migration. The adjacent figure (a) shows a zero-offset seismic experiment conducted over a constant velocity medium. Sources and receivers are marked by red dots.
Our Kirchhoff PSDM allows direct ray tracing through explicit surfaces in the velocity model. This can help generate more accurate traveltimes, resulting in better positioning and image fidelity. Prestack depth migration generates more accurate images (left) reducing exploration risk and improving reservoir definition.