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Which is better laravel v8 or laravel v7?

Asked by Dominik Herman on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

As I stated before, v8 and v7 are really not that different. And if you struggle with reading documentation, you can always use Laravel Shift, which will help automate most of the upgrade process for you. @wilk_randall I am more disappointed than anything tbh, I started to like Laravel.
In this manner,
The Laravel team released v7.8.0 with new takeWhile and takeUntil collection methods, along with all the latest new features, fixes, and changes in the 7.x branch. Let’s look at a few new features released in 7.8:
In fact, Laravel Jetstream, the new Laravel application scaffolding, was released with the new version of Laravel. Jetstream provides a fantastic starting point for your Laravel applications with the following built-in options:
In Laravel 8, factories are now classes that extend the base Laravel factory class. Glancing at the default file, you'll see the model property and definition method. The definition method then returns the model attributes.
In Laravel 8, the namespace property in app / Providers / RouteServiceProvider. php is now null by default, as you can see below. In previous versions, the $namespace property was set to App\Http\Controllers. This change means that controller route definitions will no longer include automatic namespace prefixing.