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Which is better flask jwt or flask-jwt-extended?

Asked by Marianna Branch on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

In this post we introduce a new Flask extension: Flask-JWT-Extended. It has a more advanced set of features and enables us to design a more practical authentication workflow. Flask-JWT-Extended has many advantages compared to Flask-JWT.
I would recommend testing different scenarios with Flask-JWT to check what it can return you. For example, what happens if: Flask-JWT-Extended is very similar to Flask-JWT, but has more configuration options and some more functionality. For example, it allows for token refreshing.
Just so, Basically, access_token is the JWT created using the user object. These tokens gets expired in short time. We have configured this time while we were integrating flask_jwt_extended module in our file. refresh_tokens are used to basically get the new access token without calling the auth method.
In fact,
Flask-JWT-Extended is very similar to Flask-JWT, but has more configuration options and some more functionality. For example, it allows for token refreshing. After you're comfortable with Flask-JWT—and if you need those advanced features—read our blog post on Flask-JWT-Extended for more!
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