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Which is better double diagonal or double diagonal planking?

Asked by Trinity Frederick on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

The first type (double-diagonal) makes a markedly more rigid hull as it has a lot of resistance to racking forces. Its big drawback, obviously, is that repairing/replacing any inner plank theoretically requires removing every outer plank on that side of the hull, assuming the planking job was properly done.
The diagonal planks in double diagonal planking do, allowing you to actually use thinner planks to create a thinner skin than with carvel planking. The biggest downside to double diagonal planking is that it is more time consuming to install. The hull needs to be planked twice, and a lot more bedding compound is needed as well.
In this manner, If a plywood hull rots, that entire sheet of plywood would need to be replaced. With double diagonal, only the rotten plank needs to be replaced.
These diagonal layers are far more effective than frames (with modern glues) in maintaining the geometry of the shell and the relationship between planks. FWIW, conventional hull design have been trying to solve the individual plank flexture problem for hundreds of years.
In addition,
The Double Diagonal also involves selling options in a near expiration and then buying options in a further out expiration. With the Double Diagonal though you buy options that are higher on the call side in the further out expiration than your near option strike and lower on the put side then your near option strike option.