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Which is better boolean union or mesh boolean?

Asked by Alonzo Neal on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

Even if one object (bunny) is a mesh, this sort of boolean is simpler than intersecting hundreds or thousands of arbitrary polygons that each may or may not be valid. On top of all that, mesh boolean is an algorithm, and some implementations are better than others.
One may also ask,
Are the "Mesh - Combine" and "Mesh - Boolean - Union" operations for 2 polygonal meshes basically identical operations? Boolean does not merge any vertices no matter how close, that still has to be done with merge command. Soft select etc... works same on both.
Thereof, You need to make sure your files are not damaged, otherwise, the software won’t create the union. A Boolean Union is when all the outside facets are linked together and, at the same time, all the internal ones are deleted. It joins together different parts, creating a whole, unique mesh with the correct properties for the 3D printer.
A Boolean operation, such as union, intersection, or difference, is one of the most important geometric operations. For solid models in the LDNI-based representation, the Boolean operations are straightforward and easy to implement.
Also Know,
In Java, a boolean is a literal true or false, while Boolean is an object wrapper for a boolean. There is seldom a reason to use a Boolean over a boolean except in cases when an object reference is required, such as in a List.