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Which is an overriding good of the communitarian position?

Asked by Baylor McCann on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

Such an overriding good (e.g., the national well-being) enables persons with different moral outlooks or ideological backgrounds to find principled (rather than merely prudential) common ground. Liberals and libertarians responded by characterizing the communitarian position as akin to East Asian authoritarian communitarianism.
Communitarianism is a philosophy that emphasizes the connection between the individual and the community. Its overriding philosophy is based upon the belief that a person's social identity and personality are largely molded by community relationships, with a smaller degree of development being placed on individualism.
Also Know, Unlike classical liberalism, which construes communities as originating from the voluntary acts of pre-community individuals, it emphasizes the role of the community in defining and shaping individuals. Communitarians believe that the value of community is not sufficiently recognized in liberal theories of justice.
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The third sector. The American political journalist Jonathan Rauch introduced the term “ soft communitarianism” to refer to communitarianism that focuses on the role of civil society, in contrast to “hard,” East Asian communitarianism, which views the state as the primary social agent.
In placing the interests of the society over those of the individual citizens, communitarianism is considered the opposite of liberalism. Its proponents, called communitarians, object to extreme individualism and unchecked laissez-faire capitalism.