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Which is an example of the pyqt framework?

Asked by Kieran Hancock on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

Some examples are LG, Mercedes, AMD, Panasonic, Harman, etc. PyQt is available in two editions, PyQt4 and PyQt5. PyQt4 provides glue code for binding 4.x and 5.x versions of the Qt framework while PyQt5 provides a binding for only the 5.x versions.
In this manner,
It is used for creating a (Python) GUI, developing desktop applications with Python. The latest version is PyQt5. Some examples of PyQt / Qt software is: the dropbox desktop client
Additionally, These features can be combined to create advanced UIs as well as standalone applications. A lot of major companies across all industries use Qt. Some examples are LG, Mercedes, AMD, Panasonic, Harman, etc. PyQt is available in two editions, PyQt4 and PyQt5.
In fact,
PyQt is a Python binding of the cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt, used as a Python module.
In respect to this,
PyQt is a free software developed and maintained by Riverbank Computing, a company based in England, whereas Qt is developed by a Finnish firm called The Qt Company. In this PyQt5 tutorial, you will learn: Here are important features of PyQt: