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Where to start an ant in langton's ant code?

Asked by Ashlynn Moses on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

Start the ant near the center of a 100x100 field of cells, which is about big enough to contain the initial chaotic part of the movement. Follow the movement rules for the ant, terminate when it moves out of the region, and show the cell colors it leaves behind.
The "ant" moves according to the rules below: Langton's ant can also be described as a cellular automaton, where the grid is colored black or white and the "ant" square has one of eight different colors assigned to encode the combination of black/white state and the current direction of motion of the ant.
Additionally, It was invented by Chris Langton in 1986 and runs on a square lattice of black and white cells. The universality of Langton's ant was proven in 2000. The idea has been generalized in several different ways, such as turmites which add more colors and more states.
In respect to this,
You are encouraged to solve this taskaccording to the task description, using any language you may know. Langton's antis a cellular automaton that models an antsitting on a plane of cells, all of which are white initially, the ant facing in one of four directions. Each cell can either be black or white.
The ant can travel in any of the four cardinal directions at each step it takes. The "ant" moves according to the rules below: At a white square, turn 90° right, flip the color of the square, move forward one unit. At a black square, turn 90° left, flip the color of the square, move forward one unit.