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Where to find linq sample in

Asked by Nellie King on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

Should you stumble upon a code snippet which doesn't work, feel free to drop me a mail . Use the menu on the left side to find easy-to-use code samples. LINQ is part of the Microsoft .NET Framework and is used to query data from specific data providers like LINQ to Objects, LINQ to Entities and LINQ to SQL.
In the previous section, you have learned about LINQ Query Syntax. Here, you will learn about Method syntax. Method syntax (also known as fluent syntax) uses extension methods included in the Enumerable or Queryable static class, similar to how you would call the extension method of any class.
Indeed, Once you've learned LINQ using object sequences, you can use LINQ with any supported data source. These samples leverage the interactive experience in your environment. To run these samples, you'll need to follow the instructions on the dotnet/try-samples repository to install the global dotnet try tool in your .NET environment.
LINQ simplifies this by abstracting common elements of data access into a query syntax that looks the same no matter which data source you pick. This finds all XML elements with a specific attribute value: Writing code to manually traverse the XML document to do this task would be far more challenging.
Also Know,
It comes under the filtering operator category. It applies in both method and query syntax whereas method syntax requires the lambda expression and query syntax requires only the expression. The LINQ Where is used to limit the number of records from select, update, delete statements.