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Where to find individual attributes in uicollectionview?

Asked by Chana Howell on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

The individual attributes are instances of UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes. These contain the properties of each item in your collection view, such as the item’s frame or transform. Create a new file inside the Layouts group. Select Cocoa Touch Class from the iOS ▸ Source list.
Register the UICollectionReusableView subclass with the layout (notthe collection view), by calling register(_:forDecorationViewOfKind:). The layout's initializer is a good place to do this. Implement layoutAttributesForDecorationView(ofKind:at:)to return layout attributes that position the UICollectionReusableView.
Indeed, To illustrate, I'll subclass UICollectionViewFlowLayout to impose a title label at the top of the collection view's content rectangle. This is probably a silly use of a decoration view, but it illustrates the basic principles perfectly.
The UICollectionView knows nothing about them; it simply does what it is told. To supply any decoration views, you will need a UICollectionViewLayout subclass; this subclass is free to define its own properties and delegate protocol methods that customize how its decoration views are configured, but that's entirely up to you.
Just so,
The NSCollectionViewItem class defines the visual appearance of items in the collection view. Your data source object vends items from its collectionView (_:itemForRepresentedObjectAt:) method, creating and configuring the item in one step. Each item is essentially a snapshot of the data it represents.