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Where do i find session configuration in cakephp?

Asked by Lauryn Richard on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

Session configuration is generally defined in /config/app.php. The available options are: Session.timeout - The number of minutes before CakePHP’s session handler expires the session. Session.defaults - Allows you to use the built-in default session configurations as a base for your session configuration.
Your application will come with a few configuration files located in the config directory. By default CakePHP uses PHP files for its configuration, but you can switch to INI or JSON files if you’d prefer. Configuration files are loaded at the beginning of each request during your application’s ‘bootstrap’ process.
In this manner, Check your PHP installations session.cookie_lifetime setting, it might be the cause of the issue. If you need to change it, either do that in your php.ini, or use the ini option in the CakePHP session configuration.
CakePHP provides a wrapper and suite of utility features on top of PHP’s native session extension. Sessions allow you to identify unique users across requests and store persistent data for specific users. Unlike Cookies, session data is not available on the client side.
As you can see in your app.php, the env () function is used to read configuration from the environment, and build the application configuration. CakePHP uses DSN strings for databases, logs, email transports and cache configurations allowing you to easily vary these libraries in each environment.