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Where can i find the cmake file in qt5?

Asked by Russell Choi on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

The FindQt5.cmake is the “old way”, and it is still searched for. Qt 5 distributes CMake config files, such as Qt5Config.cmake that contain paths, macros, functions, etc. They are unfortunately a little deeper in the tree, so you would have to set Qt5_DIR to “/usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5” in my case.
What's New in Qt 5 Qt 5 is the latest version of Qt. It enables developers to develop applications with intuitive user interfaces for multiple targets, faster than ever before. Qt 5 makes it easier to address the latest UI paradigm shifts that touch screens and tablets require.
Indeed, Installing Qt for Windows Step 1: Install the License File (commercial editions only) Step 2: Unpack the Archive Step 3: Set the Environment variables Step 4: Build the Qt Library Qt Demos and Examples
Keeping this in consideration,
CMake is a meta build system that uses scripts called CMakeLists to generate build files for a specific environment (for example, makefiles on Unix machines). When you create a new CMake project in CLion, a CMakeLists.txt file is automatically generated under the project root.
The Qt Installer Framework provides a set of tools and utilities to create installers for the supported desktop Qt platforms: Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X. The Qt Installer Framework is used e.g. for the Qt SDK installers, and Qt Creator installer. Quick Links: