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Where can i find a mongoose plugin for npm?

Asked by Anaya Wright on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

Publish it to npm and add "mongoose" as a keyword . Check out our officially supported plugins:
1) Install mongoose globallywith below steps :- a)npm install mongoose -g b) Go to your app directory, where bot.js is located and then run npm link mongoose Explanation :- When you install a package globally via npm, it is downloaded to global node_module folder.
Just so, Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model your application data. It includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box. Mongoose is ORM for Node.js with Mongodb Connecting to mongodb will be done after creating models by mongoose.
In fact,
Because many plugins rely on middleware, you should make sure to apply plugins before you call mongoose.model () or conn.model (). Otherwise, any middleware the plugin registers won't get applied. The Mongoose team maintains several plugins that add cool new features to Mongoose. Here's a couple:
Keeping this in consideration,
Passport-Local Mongoose supports this setup by implementing a LocalStrategy and serializeUser/deserializeUser functions. Make sure that you have a mongoose connected to mongodb and you're done. Starting with version 0.2.1 passport-local-mongoose adds a helper method createStrategy as static method to your schema.