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When to use ntpdate in debugging mode?

Asked by Musa Adams on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

This option should be used when called from a startup file at boot time. -d. Enable the debugging mode, in which ntpdate will go through all the steps, but not adjust the local clock and using an unprivileged port. Information useful for general debugging will also be printed.
1 #ntpdate -u (to force synchronized with it’s NTP servers) 2 #ntpq -p (will check either your NTP Server is synchronized or not.) 3 #ntpdate -u “ntp server ip address” (will synchronize your client to NTP Server) 4 #ntpdate (will synchronize the system clock with server) More items...
Also, The ntpdate command sets the local date and time by polling the NTP servers specified to determine the correct time. It obtains a number of samples from each server specified and applies the standard NTP clock filter and selection algorithms to select the best of the samples.
Just so,
What is a ntpupdate command in Linux? The ntpdate command is used to manually sync time with an NTP server when you don’t have NTP agent running. Note: ntpdate will only sync to the time server if the ntpd daemon is not running. Install ntpupdate command in Linux
During my work with a couple of NTP servers, I had many situations in which I just wanted to know whether an NTP server is up and running or not. For this purpose, I used two small Linux tools that fulfill almost the same: single CLI command while not actually updating any clock but only displaying the result. That is: ntpdate & sntp.