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When to use is null and is not null comparisons?

Asked by Vivienne Douglas on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

You can use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL comparisons to test for NULL values. will return all products having a color value. As you can expect nulls have an adverse effect in expressions. Since NULL denotes an undefined value, its participation in most expressions renders the expression unknown, or NULL, as well.
The first two queries produce simple comparisons. In the first query, both columns are non-nullable so null checks are not needed. In the second query, NullableInt could contain null, but Id is non-nullable; comparing null to non-null yields null as a result, which would be filtered out by WHERE operation. So no additional terms are needed either.
Thereof, That is, a comparison against a null value does not evaluate to true or false, it evaluates to unknown. Often this is an implementation of ANSI nulls, but this is not always the case. By default in SQL Server, the null-equals-null comparison returns a null value.
The NULL value is special because any comparisons with a NULL value can never result in true or false, but in a third logical result, unknown. The following statement returns a null value.
Nothing equals null! Null is neither equal to nor not equal to anything. The result of: is always unknown. So the following query will always return no rows: This is also the case when you check if a column is not equal to null: To find rows that have a null-value, use the "is null" condition.