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When to use global beforeall in jestjs?

Asked by Cara Marsh on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

It's meant for initializations made before any test is started, e.g. setting up a server, like the documentation shows. It's setupFiles that runs in test process. beforeAll should be executed after Jest environment is initialized, so it should be moved to setupFilesAfterEnv.
Jest documentation recommends beforeEach for tests that consume a particular global state for each test, for example, resetting test data in a database before each test is run. Note the following case: If beforeEach is inside a describe block, it runs for each test in the describe block.
Also, beforeAll (fn, timeout) Runs a function before any of the tests in this file run. If the function returns a promise or is a generator, Jest waits for that promise to resolve before running tests. Optionally, you can provide a timeout (in milliseconds) for specifying how long to wait before aborting.
Add a global property to the this of globalSetup and globalTeardown async functions that can be used to set global variables that can be accessed in all tests via global. The same global is shared across all tests. While jest was in the beginning used only for frontend testing, it has moved in the direction of becoming a general test framework.
While jest was in the beginning used only for frontend testing, it has moved in the direction of becoming a general test framework. Especially for backend integration tests there is a tradeoff between test speed and departmentalization: Starting up a new backend instance for each individual test usually isn't feasible.