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When to use drop area, ball drop and drop zone?

Asked by Scarlette Cervantes on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

First of all, a drop area, a ball drop and a drop zone are all the same thing. Their most common application is when used in conjunction with the Water Hazard Rule as an additional option under penalty of one stroke.
First of all, a drop area, a ball drop and a drop zone are all the same thing. Their most common application is when used in conjunction with the Water Hazard Rule as an additional option under penalty of one stroke.
One may also ask, What are they: A drop zone is an area designated by the Committee in which a player may or must drop a ball when the Committee in charge of the course “considers that it is not feasible or practicable” for a player to proceed under a Rule.
In addition,
The 137-yard hole includes a drop zone to the left of the tee area that’s about 60 yards from the green. Appendix I, Part B, Section 8 of the Rules of Golf states that designated drop zones should offer “an additional relief option” to players who’ve hit into a hazard -- rather than being mandatory.
In this manner,
2. Back-on-the-line relief: Drop the original, or another, ball in a relief area that is based on a reference line “going straight back from the hole through the estimated point where the original ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area”. There’s no limit on how far back on the line you can go.