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When to use alert dialog instead of regular dialog?

Asked by Guadalupe Butler on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

The difference with regular dialogs is that the alertdialog role should only used when an alert, error, or warning occurs. In other words, when a dialog's information and controls require the user's immediate attention alertdialog should be used instead of dialog.
Also Know,
But there are some differences between an AlertDialog and a Dialog. In an AlertDialog you always want to show a message and at least one Button for user interaction. In a Dialog you have a custom view to a TextView or something more complex.
And, When the alertdialog role is used, the user agent should do the following: Expose the element as a dialog in the operating system's accessibility API. Fire an accessible alert event using the operating system's accessibility API if it supports it. When the alert dialog appears, screen readers should announce the alert.
In fact,
Default is true. which performs action when button on dialog is clicked. Find the code snippet. If we want to show only one button, then use only one method. Finally to show alert dialog, we call () as follows. To cancel the dialog, use below method on button click event.
In addition,
android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener interface has a method onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) which performs action when button on dialog is clicked. Use setPositiveButton () and setNegativeButton () to Display OK and YES-NO