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When is automated testing not to be automated?

Asked by Cynthia Morgan on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

In some cases, automated testing cannot resolve all problems, but creates new ones. The package time of automated testing becomes outdated when other changes done with the application and maintenance of tests are neglected. The main focus of organizations is the maintenance of existing test cases and the creation of new ones.
In this manner,
100% goals cannot be achieved by using automated testing because some tests cannot be automated straightforwardly like the background checking of a window or dialog box. Automation script will have limited scope based on what is being tested or written in it which is no match with the human eye.
Keeping this in consideration, In Automation, less time is needed for exploratory testing and more time in maintaining test scripts by increasing overall test coverage. Automation tools can also enter input test data into the application under test and generate test reports.
So you start kicking off automated test runs at 5 am or 5 pm and get the results the next day. Unfortunately, if something goes wrong early on, all the results will be corrupted. That slows to a crawl the feedback loop from development to test, creating wait states in the work.
Test that cannot be 100% automated should not be automated at all — unless doing so will save a considerable amount of time. What would you add or remove from this list? Let me know.