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When does an interface override a base interface?

Asked by Dior McLean on Dec 05, 2021 FAQ

Instead, it declares a property that doesn't have a default implementation but must be implemented in any type that implements the interface: An interface can inherit from one or more base interfaces. When an interface overrides a method implemented in a base interface, it must use the explicit interface implementation syntax.
The method does override or implement a method declared in a supertype. The method has a signature that is override-equivalent to that of any public method declared in {@linkplain Object}. So, at least in java8, you should use @Override on an implementation of an interface method.
Moreover, Like a class, an interface can have methods and variables, but the methods declared in an interface are by default abstract (only method signature, no body). In this article, we will understand how the concept of inheritance is used in the interface.
Once you implement an interface from a concrete class you need to provide implementation to all its methods. If you try to skip implementing methods of an interface at compile time an error would be generated. But, If you still need to skip the implementation.
In respect to this,
You should remember that interfaces are also inherited to the child classes. You don't need to implement the interface twice, the thing you want is overriding. Simple solution would be, that you construct the helper class that implicitly implements the interface, with virtual methods.