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When does a neural groove become a neural tube?

Asked by Maxine Hinton on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

Neural tube. The neural groove gradually deepens as the neural folds become elevated, and ultimately the folds meet and coalesce in the middle line and convert the groove into the closed neural tube. In humans, neural tube closure usually occurs by the fourth week of pregnancy (28th day after conception).
The groove gradually deepens as the neural folds become elevated, and ultimately the folds meet and coalesce in the middle line and convert the groove into a closed tube, the neural tube or canal, the ectodermal wall of which forms the rudiment of the nervous system . After the coalescence of the neural folds over...
In addition, The neural groove forms by infolding of a thickened plate of ectoderm (Fig. 1 ). This groove closes to form the neural tube, which becomes separated from the overlying ectoderm. As the neural groove closes, some cells near the margins of the invagination migrate laterally between the neural tube and the ectoderm comprising the neural crest.
During the third week, the neural folds begin the process of neurulation. On day 22, the neural folds rise, their edges move in towards the midline and they fuse together to form the neural tube. This occurs in the region of the first five embryonic somites.
The neural plate folds in upon itself to form the neural tube, which will later differentiate into the spinal cord and the brain, eventually forming the central nervous system. Different portions of the neural tube form by two different processes, called primary and secondary neurulation, in different species.