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When did tags for hope id tags come out?

Asked by Ayaan Bridges on Dec 12, 2021 FAQ

Founded in 2013 by two brothers who share a love for dogs and cats, Tags For Hope was created. But this isn't just any ID Tag, proceeds from each purchase go towards pets in need. You're not just buying a product, you're also helping a great cause. ID tags are a must for any dog.
Keeping this in consideration,
Standard tags will show the dogs name and owners contact number/information. Tags For Hope goes one step further and provides crucial information that anyone who comes into contact with your dog should know. This has got to be the best looking pet ID tag on the market.
Furthermore, Founded in 2013 by two brothers who share a love for dogs and cats, Tags For Hope was created. But this isn't just any ID Tag, proceeds from each purchase go towards pets in need. You're not just buying a product, you're also helping a great cause.
Tags For Hope offers a life-time warranty that's included with every order. As stated on their website, if your tag gets damaged, chewed or heavily scratched, they will send you a new one free of charge. Talk about impressive! What are you waiting for?
When your pet's tag ID number gets submitted by a finder, our system automatically notifies you regarding the last location of your pet. Our precise, up-to-date action steps will guide you to finding your pet as quickly as possible, without wasting any precious time.