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What should the argument label be in ggplot2?

Asked by Melany Knox on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

The argument label is the text to be used for the main title or for the axis labels. ToothGrowth data is used in the following examples. Make sure that the variable dose is converted as a factor using the above R script. Note that, you can use to split long title into multiple lines.
The text for the title. The text for the subtitle for the plot which will be displayed below the title. The text for the caption which will be displayed in the bottom-right of the plot by default. The text for the tag label which will be displayed at the top-left of the plot by default.
Similarly, The geom_label and geom_text functions permit us to add text to the plot with and without a rectangle behind the text, respectively. Because each point (each state in this case) has a label, we need an aesthetic mapping to make the connection between points and labels.
In respect to this,
The ggplot2 implies " Grammar of Graphics " which believes in the principle that a plot can be split into the following basic parts - data refers to a data frame (dataset). Aesthetics indicates x and y variables.
In fact,
ggplot2 is a robust and a versatile R package, developed by the most well known R developer, Hadley Wickham, for generating aesthetic plots and charts. data refers to a data frame (dataset).