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What's the difference between scrapy and beautifulsoup?

Asked by Ford Stout on Dec 11, 2021 FAQ

Scrapy is a wonderful open source Python web scraping framework. It handles the most common use cases when doing web scraping at scale: The main difference between Scrapy and other commonly used librairies like Requests / BeautifulSoup is that it is opinionated. It allows you to solve the usual web scraping problems in an elegant way.
The code sample above imports BeautifulSoup, then it reads the XML file like a regular file. After that, it passes the content into the imported BeautifulSoup library as well as the parser of choice. You’ll notice that the code doesn’t import lxml.
Likewise, Python BeautifulSoup tutorial is an introductory tutorial to BeautifulSoup Python library. The examples find tags, traverse document tree, modify document, and scrape web pages.
In addition,
BeautifulSoup (,) creates a data structure representing a parsed HTML or XML document. Most of the methods you’ll call on a BeautifulSoup object are inherited from PageElement or Tag. Internally, this class defines the basic interface called by the tree builders when converting an HTML/XML document into a data structure.
In this manner,
BeautifulSoup provides a simple way to find text content (i.e. non-HTML) from the HTML: However, this is going to give us some information we don’t want. Look at the output of the following statement: There are a few items in here that we likely do not want: For the others, you should check to see which you want.