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What's the difference between sbt release and sbt native packager?

Asked by Malik Lindsey on Dec 11, 2021 FAQ

Artifacts and applications are delivered, updated, and scaled across four global data centers. You can use sbt-native-packager to build native formats like Docker, sbt-release has nice steps to take care of versioning, sbt-bintray can be used to release to Bintray.
SBT native packager lets you build application packages in native formats. It offers different archetypes for common configurations, such as simple Java apps or server applications.
In respect to this, .sbt files, or 'SBT build definitions' are specially interpreted files, written in Scala, that are used by SBT to define a build. .scala build definitions may also be written and imported into an .sbt file. Versions prior to 13.6 required that any .sbt file has each statement separated by a blank line.
In this manner,
SBT may be used to build any project on the JVM. .sbt files, or 'SBT build definitions' are specially interpreted files, written in Scala, that are used by SBT to define a build. .scala build definitions may also be written and imported into an .sbt file.
As shown in the Solution, you can issue the compile command from within the SBT shell, but you can also take this a step further and continuously compile your source code by using the ~ compile command instead. When you issue this command, SBT watches your source code files, and automatically recompiles them whenever it sees the code change.