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What's the difference between elastic beanstalk and elastic container?

Asked by Hadassah Walter on Nov 28, 2021 FAQ

The primary difference between the two is the degree of control that each provides regarding application scaling, capacity, and scheduling. Elastic Beanstalk is an AWS service for deploying and scaling web applications and services. It eliminates the need to manually launch AWS resources required to run applications.
Elastic Beanstalk is an AWS PaaS platform. All you have to do is upload your application code, and Elastic Beanstalk takes care of the deployment, load balancing, and capacity provisioning. With a single click, you can start all the necessary application servers running.
Additionally, Amazon offers two options to deploy Docker containers on AWS deployments: Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic Container Service. The primary difference between the two is the degree of control that each provides regarding application scaling, capacity, and scheduling.
In fact,
AWS CodeDeploy can be classified as a tool in the "Deployment as a Service" category, while AWS Elastic Beanstalk is grouped under "Platform as a Service". AWS CodeDeploy helps maximize your application availability by performing rolling updates across your Amazon EC2 instances and tracking application health according to configurable rules
We previously compared two PaaS Solutions: AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Red Hat Openshift. AWS Elastic Beanstalk is likely a good choice for newly started applications and systems already using AWS. In addition, AWS Beanstalk offers multi-container Docker.