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What's the difference between curl and curl-sh?

Asked by Memphis Bruce on Dec 01, 2021 FAQ

The only real security difference I see is that curl | sh is a very direct way to run code from the internet, whereas the other methods are running code from the internet, but with extra steps. It may “feel” different, but in reality it’s just the same.
curl is a powerful command-line utility to communicate with a web server via the terminal. Often, it gets confused with the popular wget command as both of them can upload and download contents to a server and they do work cross-platform.
Keeping this in consideration, Just like the name implies, the CC Curl eyelash extension is like the C Curl but with a more dramatic flair! The CC Curl starts with a similar base to the C Curl. However, when it comes to the curl itself, the CC Curl changes things up with a more extreme curl. Why does this difference matter?
There is a practical difference. curl -sSL | sh starts curl and sh at the same time, connecting the output of curl with the input of sh. curl will carry out with the download (roughly) as fast as sh can run the script.
Similarities between wget and curl Both Wget and Curl can download files off the internet. Both Curl and Wget support HTTP and its secure version, HTTPS. Both are command-line tools.