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What's the difference between b2b copy and business copy?

Asked by Dominik Herman on Dec 01, 2021 FAQ

On the spectrum of "business babble" to "delightful," B2B copy usually nestles in comfortably at the babbling end. Usually. Then there are the B2B marketers who infuse a little personality, a little oomph, a little pizzazz (dare I say a little glitter?) into their content. Those are the ones we'll concern ourselves with today.
B2B. B2C. Meaning. The selling of goods and services between two business entities is known as Business to Business or B2B. The transaction in which business sells the goods and services to the consumer is called Business to Consumer or B2C. Customer.
Subsequently, B2B copywriting is all about selling your awesome product and solution to other businesses, and here’s a secret: You’re still selling to other human beings. (shocking I know!) That means you will need to appeal to the buyer’s wants and needs, build sufficient trust and make your solution compelling enough for them to give it a try.
Print copy can appear in newspapers, magazines, catalogs, books, posters, flyers, product packaging, brochures, programs, postcards, banners, billboards, and more. The text of speeches, reports, business plans, and proposals can also be considered copy.
The example we have for a business that fits into both B2B and B2C is Home Depot. The story of Home Depot is deeply rooted in DIY home renovation, so their original space is B2C. But in the past few years, they incorporated a B2C angle for contractors and professional renovators and handymen.