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What's the difference between arrays.aslist ( array ) and arrays.shuffle ( )?

Asked by Hadleigh Montes on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

Arrays.asList () of an int array returns a list with a single element. When using the OP's code snippet, the compiler will catch the issue, but some methods (e.g., Collections.shuffle ()) will silently fail to do what you expect.
Before wrapping up, if we take a look at the JDK source code, we can see the Arrays.asList method returns a type of ArrayList that is different from java.util.ArrayList. The main difference is that the returned ArrayList only wraps an existing array — it doesn't implement the add and remove methods.
Keeping this in consideration, It is my understanding that the Arrays.asList method is considered as a way to link arrays to Lists in order to adopt most of the List functionality on arrays (i.e. Obviously not add/remove). While the List returned is a fixed sized list, it is mutable since you can still change its elements.
Note that the list wrapper doesn't extend ArrayList- it's a different kind of object. ArrayLists have their own, internal array, in which they store their elements, and are able to resize the internal arrays etc. The wrapper doesn't have its own internal array, it only propagates operations to the array given to it.
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