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What makes an ehr user friendly user interface?

Asked by Scarlette Anderson on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

Users’ standards have been raised by these sleek, accessible interfaces, which are simultaneously simple and sophisticated; but many EHR user interfaces have yet to catch up with these trends. Ignorance of physician needs. Unfortunately, EHR vendors often don’t consult practicing physicians as they develop EHRs.
Unfortunately, EHR vendors often don’t consult practicing physicians as they develop EHRs. Many EHRs, then, have not been tested within the environment in which they will be used. This results in EHR systems that don’t actually meet the needs of physicians. Lack of customizability.
Subsequently, Simple interfaces reduce the likelihood physicians will be overwhelmed by the amount of data appearing on their screens. EHR systems designed with simplicity in mind also highlight important information using visual cues and include navigation options that are easy to understand.
Formative testing includes activities that help developers understand the user and clinical workflows, make iterative improvements to the product, and design the EHR interface in accordance with user needs. Healthcare organizations perform summative testing.
Making EHR systems more modular would allow physicians to configure their health IT environment to best suit their work flows and patient populations. Allowing vendors to focus on specialized applications also would produce the tailored technology physicians need.