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What kind of string is a zyex string?

Asked by Adaline Lewis on Dec 12, 2021 FAQ

Zyex strings are made from a new generation of synthetic material, creating strings that are incredibly stable under drastic climatic conditions. Within a matter of hours, Zyex settles in on the instrument with a sound that is warmer than most other synthetic core strings. Zyex is also an excellent choice for use on bright sounding instruments.
In fact,
Zyex strings are made from a new generation of synthetic material, creating strings that are incredibly stable under drastic climatic conditions. Within a matter of hours, Zyex settles in on the instrument with a sound that is warmer than most other synthetic core strings.
In addition, They last a tremendously long time (going on 6 months now on a set), have incredibly short break-in time, and they stay in tune like no other strings I've tried other than steel-core ones! I personally have been in love with Zyex and recommend them to anyone wanting a synthetic-core string that's reasonable in price.
Most synthetic strings are created from a type of nylon (perlon). Other synthetic materials besides perlon are used as in Zyex strings from D’Addario which use a core made form the material zyex which is often made to string tennis rackets with.
Dominant strings by Thomastik-Infeld was the first major synthetic string on the market, and are still a large part in the string world today. Most synthetic strings are created from a type of nylon (perlon).