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What kind of proxy is the envoy proxy?

Asked by River Richards on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

Envoy Proxy is a modern, high performance, small footprint edge and service proxy. Envoy is most comparable to software load balancers such as NGINX and HAProxy. Originally written and deployed at Lyft, Envoy now has a vibrant contributor base and is an official Cloud Native Computing Foundation project.
Originally built at Lyft, Envoy is a high performance C++ distributed proxy designed for single services and applications, as well as a communication bus and “universal data plane” designed for large microservice “service mesh” architectures.
Subsequently, Envoy proxy is a proxy service that used in latest trending concept that known as Service Mesh. We will see the load balancing aspect of the Envoy Proxy in this blog post. Load balancers is an endpoint that listen to the request that coming into the computation cluster.
Envoy has become more and more popular, the basic functionality is quite similar to Nginx, working as a high performace Web server, proxy. But Enovy imported a lot of features that was related to SOA or Microservice like Service Discovery, Circuit Breaker, Rate limiting and so on.
Envoy can discover cluster by using service discovery. Aport from Side Car proxy, Envoy can be configure as Front envoy proxy as well. Front proxy configured as primary load balancer to the request coming in from the public internet. This proxy also know and edge proxy. Overall architecture of Service Mesh would be like follows.