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What kind of parser is used in xsd?

Asked by Hadassah Walter on Dec 15, 2021 FAQ

The XSD runtime library and generated code depend on existing libraries for XML parsing. The C++/Tree mapping can be used with Xerces-C++ as the underlying XML parser and the C++/Parser mapping supports Xerces-C++ and Expat .
Any XML parser will parse an XSD, it's just an XML file. – Mads Hansen Oct 22 '10 at 12:46 I know it is :) I need to load restriction constrains associated with the schema types.
Subsequently, Examples to Implement XSD in XML. XML file using Schema Definition. Example #1. College detail with root element followed by child elements. Here individual Schema file is created with the perschema.xsd that should be included as the namespace in the XML document. Code: pre.xml <?XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
In this manner,
Using XDK, you can write an application that includes a validating XML parser; that is, a program that parses and validates XML documents against a DTD. Depending on its implementation, a validating parser may:
Just so,
XML Schema. An XML Schema describes the structure of an XML document, just like a DTD. An XML document with correct syntax is called "Well Formed". An XML document validated against an XML Schema is both "Well Formed" and "Valid".