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What is the solr database for?

Asked by Vincent Greer on Dec 12, 2021 FAQ

Not only search, Solr can also be used for storage purpose. Like other NoSQL databases, it is a non-relational data storage and processing technology. In short, Solr is a scalable, ready to deploy, search/storage engine optimized to search large volumes of text-centric data.
In respect to this,
In Apache Solr, a Solr Instance is an instance a Solr running in the JVM. In Standalone mode, Solr contains only one instance where as in Cloud mode, it contains one or more instances. 3.2 What is a Solr Core? In Apache Solr, a Solr Core is also known as simply “Core”.
Accordingly, Not only search, Solr can also be used for storage purpose. Like other NoSQL databases, it is a non-relational data storage and processing technology. In short, Solr is a scalable, ready to deploy, search/storage engine optimized to search large volumes of text-centric data.
In a nutshell, we’re integrating nopCommerce with Apache Solr to give you a Rock Solid e-commerce platform that is FASTER, SCALABLE & RELIABLE. Learn what we’re fixing & how! Let’s learn what we’re fixing & how… If not yet, let me introduce to it. nopCommerce is a very popular open-source e-Commerce solution.
What does the word SOLR mean. The letters of the word Solr explain its characteristics and mean: S means searching, that is, searching. O means on; L stands for Lucene, which is the open source application interface that gives Solr its indexing and search capabilities.