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What is the relationship between split view controller and master view controller?

Asked by Reina Khan on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

In the split view controller, you’ll see the navigation controller has a relationship segue called master view controller. This allows you to create an entire navigation hierarchy in the master view controller without needing to affect the detail view controller. View Controller: This will eventually display all of the monsters’ details.
The master view controller is typically the navigation controller that contains the list view (a UITableView in most cases); the detail view controller is the navigation controller that contains the view that shows up when the user taps on the list item.
Thereof, Select the Split View Controller and open the Attributes inspector. Check the Is Initial View Controller option. You’ll see an arrow to the left of the split view controller. This tells you it’s the initial view controller of this storyboard.
The view renders presentation of the model in a particular format. The controller responds to the user input and performs interactions on the data model objects. The controller receives the input, optionally validates it and then passes the input to the model.
For a while, the split between the two was the split itself — namely UISplitViewController . Given a classic master-detail view controller paradigm, an iPhone would display each on separate screens, whereas an iPad would display both side-by-side.