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What is the purpose of xsd files?

Asked by Aurora Roman on Dec 15, 2021 FAQ

An XSD is a formal contract that specifies how an XML document can be formed. It is often used to validate an XML document, or to generate code from. An XSD file is an XML Schema Definition and it is used to provide a standard method of checking that a given XML document conforms to what you expect.
In fact,
Schema Inference is a technique which is used to infer XSD (XML Schema Definition) after parsing the structure of any XML document. Therefore using a programming language like (.NET framework), one can generate the XSD from the structure of XML document and can use it to validate the same original XML document. For... Jun 9 2019
Thereof, XML Schema and DTD are methods of structuring and describing the content of an XML document . DTD has a unique syntax that comes from SGML while XML Schema uses XML based syntax. DTD is much older than XML Schema this makes it have many limitations.
In addition,
They are simply a way of storing data that can be easily read by other programs. Many programs use XML to store data. As such, you can open, edit, and create an XML file in any text editor. XML is similar but distinct from HTML.
One may also ask,
Is there any difference between these two? xsd:sequence: XML element must be in same order. But xsd:all: XML element may be any order. Fundamentally, the difference between these two is what you've already indicated in your question.