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What is the difference between intent and intent of arson?

Asked by Royal Lugo on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

Whereas intent would be less if A had set fire to the house during the day after ringing the doorbell to check no one was home and then immediately ringing the fire brigade to report the fire. On a purely subjective basis, A intended to render B's house uninhabitable, so a reasonably substantial fire was required.
December 26, 2014. Arson is the criminal act of burning or charring property on purpose. The act of arson may include such acts as setting fire to a property maliciously, or burning a property with the intent to collect insurance money.
Also, The difference between general intent and specific intent: For a specific intent crime, the mens rea will typically be written into the statute. Intentional and knowledge based crimes are considered specific intent crimes. Here is a (not exhaustive) list of specific intent crimes:
In this manner,
The primary consideration in classifying aggravated arson is malicious intent. Intent may be caused by financial distress, anger, and other issues fraught with emotion. Aggravated arson is the same as First Degree Arson in some states, and may include the burning of a building to obtain an insurance settlement,...
Specific Intent refers to your state of mind at the time of the commission of the crime. Specific intent requires not only doing an unlawful act, but the doing of it with an additional subjective intent or objective.