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What is the difference between google maps controls and google maps maptype?

Asked by Fernanda McLean on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

Google Maps - The Default Controls. When showing a standard Google map, it comes with the default control set: Zoom - displays a slider or "+/-" buttons to control the zoom level of the map. Pan - displays a pan control for panning the map. MapType - lets the user toggle between map types (roadmap and satellite)
In this manner,
After giving answers to these questions on the Google Maps Platform you have four map types to choose from: Dynamic map which is an interactive object. The user can freely pan, zoom or switch map layers. A web page or application displays a map using JavaScript.
In respect to this, Code Both Google Maps API and Leaflet are stellar in terms of code quality. As stated before, most basic maps will see very little difference between the two. Both maps can create custom markers, add geoJSONs, have layer interaction, popups, and much more.
Probably the most noticeable change in the Maps JavaScript API v3 is the introduction of the google.maps namespace. The v2 API places all objects in the Global namespace by default, which can result in naming collisions. Within v3, all objects are located within the google.maps namespace.
While Apple does have a lot of devices, all of which have some form of Apple Maps available, it’s not enough to beat Google’s near-universal availability. After several years of refinement, Apple Maps and Google Maps both offer a very focused interface that’s easy to use. That said, the way they present that information is quite different.