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What is the difference between classic wow gold and classic wow classic gold?

Asked by Dylan Combs on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

Classic wow gold is awarded in small quantities for completing quests and missions and defeating enemies, and it is hard to farm much gold. Some players would like to farm classic wow gold by themselves, buy some players have no time, so they would like to buy wow classic gold to help them level up fast.
The first thing to know about World of Warcraft Classic versus Retail is that these are two different games that happen to share a common engine and the same graphical assets. The experience of playing a Paladin in WoW Classic is entirely different from the experience of playing in WoW Retail.
Next, This is much more difficult and time-consuming in Classic and that's the point. The quests, adventures, and friends you make along the way ar all part of the Classic WoW experience. The time you sent on the grind is closely tied to other great things about the vintage game, like the community that everyone loves so much.
Player A offers to give Player B enough money to buy a WoW token in exchange for being hooked up for money for a mount or something else to that effect. Than if simply using the gold to pay for gametime is the issue. Why do you need to trade? The game time sub is for both. You need to trade because you can’t buy tokens in Classic.
In respect to this,
The other way there are much fewer players looking to trade, but there are some. The current exchange rate on EU varies from about 1:500 to 1:1250 depending on realm. So one classic gold is equal to quite a bit of retail gold. If you scale it up 1000 gold on classic is equal to 500k-1 million on retail.