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What is the difference between azure and azure devops?

Asked by Harvey Golden on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

Azure is the cloud computing platform which you can use to develop apps and implement DevOps processes. Also, Azure has some dedicated tools just for DevOps such as Azure Pipelines,Azure Boards and many others.
Azure DevOps Services differs slightly from Azure DevOps Server. There are currently only two options for scoping and scaling data: organizations and projects. Organizations in Azure DevOps Services get their own URLs (for example, ), and they always have exactly one project collection.
In respect to this, Azure Artifacts is based on standard package formats and works with your favorite tools and services. With Azure DevOps, we can share packages across all projects at Swiss Re—there's nothing but an upside to this. Alan Wales, Senior Solution Architect, Property and Casualty The DevOps Journey at Microsoft
At a minimum, your Azure CLI version must be 2.10.1. You can use az --version to validate. Add the Azure DevOps extension: az extension add --name azure-devops. You can use az extension list or az extension show --name azure-devops to confirm the installation. Sign in: Run az login to sign in.
In fact,
So Azure DevOps Pipelines are supported in Azure Government Cloud. See the following: