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What is the difference between a jframe and a jdialog?

Asked by Dorothy Clements on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

The differences between JDialog and JFrame are, that JDialog has no maximize/minimize button, and you can not set a DefaultCloseOperation on it. Also a JDialog blocks other components until it is closed (it waits for userinteraction).
JFrameis a normal window with its normal buttons (optionally) and decorations. JDialogon the other side does not have a maximize and minimize buttons and usually are created with JOptionPanestatic methods, and are better fit to make them modal (they block other components until they are closed).
Just so, JFrame is generally used as a window for hosting stand-alone applications, like an alert window or notification window, whereas JPanel class works as a container to host components.
In addition,
Unlike a JDialog, JOptionPane s are always modal, which means they block input to all other JWindow s until they are dismissed. A region internal to a JFrame or another JPanel.
In respect to this,
The purpose of these containers is to group all lightweight components together at one window. JDialog class works as a general-purpose dialog which is used as a base to have multiple lightweight components. The superclass of JDialogs is java.awt.Dialog.