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What is the alternative to malloc?

Asked by Logan Acevedo on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

As far as alternatives go, the main alternative to malloc on Windows is to use the HeapAlloc function which is like malloc but allows you to specify which heap to use, and you can create a new heap object with HeapCreate.
That is a much more serious problem that requires significant investigation or memory debugging to find. As far as alternatives go, the main alternative to malloc on Windows is to use the HeapAlloc function which is like malloc but allows you to specify which heap to use, and you can create a new heap object with HeapCreate.
Also Know, The C malloc () function is used to allocate an area of memory from a heap of memory available to the program. Does Java have or need an equivalent of malloc and free for allocating and releasing arbitrary blocks of memory? The Java equivalent of malloc ()? Java memory management works differently to a language such as C.
In this manner,
The C library function void *malloc (size_t size) allocates the requested memory and returns a pointer to it. Following is the declaration for malloc () function. size − This is the size of the memory block, in bytes. This function returns a pointer to the allocated memory, or NULL if the request fails.
Syntax for malloc is. Pointer=(*returntype)malloc(n*sizeof(datatype)); Before understanding the syntax you need to know why malloc is used for.The function malloc is used for allocating memory while the program is executing (dynamic memory allocation).