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What is in a lucene index?

Asked by Callahan Nicholson on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

In Lucene, a Document is the unit of search and index . An index consists of one or more Documents . Indexing involves adding Documents to an IndexWriter, and searching involves retrieving Documents from an index via an IndexSearcher. A Lucene Document doesn't necessarily have to be a document in the common English usage of the word.
One may also ask,
Regular Expression Searches. Lucene supports regular expression searches matching a pattern between forward slashes "/". The syntax may change across releases, but the current supported syntax is documented in the RegExp class. For example to find documents containing "moat" or "boat": /[mb]oat/ Fuzzy Searches
Additionally, Norms means an authoritative standard, in the context of Lucene search, it is a normalization value, a number of one byte calculated at indexing time which represent boost factor. The boost factor represent the how importance and relevance of a match, it can affect the score of a result document when searching.
Lucene's API interface design is relatively generic, which looks like the structure of the database: tables -> record -> field. Many traditional applications, files, and databases can be easily mapped to the storage structure of Lucene / interface. Overall you can see Lucene as a database system to support full-text index.
The Lucene search engine is an open source, Jakarta project used to build and search indexes. Lucene can index any text-based information you like and then find it later based on various search criteria. Although Lucene only works with text, there are other add-ons to Lucene that allow you to index Word documents, PDF files, XML, or HTML pages.