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What is a wcf service in was-wcf?

Asked by Holly Bauer on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

WAS is the new process activation service that is a generalization of Internet Information Services (IIS) features that work with non-HTTP transport protocols. WCF uses the listener adapter interface to communicate activation requests that are received over the non-HTTP protocols supported by WCF, such as TCP, named pipes, and Message Queuing.
The World Communication Forum ( WCF ), an annual gathering of media and communication specialists from across the globe, provides a platform for discussion focused on the future development of communication and its increasingly significant role in society.
Thereof, Durable Service Durable services are WCF services that persist service state information even after service host is restarted or Client. It means that durable services have the capability to restore their own state when they are recycled. It can use data store like SQL database for maintain instance state.
In addition,
WCF stands for Windows Communication Foundation. It is basically used to create a distributed and interoperable Application. WCF Applications came into the picture in .Net 3.0 Framework. This is a framework, which is used for creating Service oriented Applications. You can send the data asynchronously from one end point to another.
In the SSL Settings pane, select the Require SSL checkbox and click the Apply link in the Actions section on the right hand side of the screen. In the WCF service’s web.config configure the HTTP binding to use transport security as shown in the following XML. Specify your service and service endpoint as shown in the following XML.