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What happens when laravel passes cookie _ lifetime to laravel?

Asked by Jazmin Montes on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

When Laravel sets the options, it passes cookie_lifetime as the value set in app/config/session.php. However, sessions are not expired immediately after the max lifetime is reached. What happens is after that amount of time has passed the session is then available to be removed by the garbage collector. One workaround is to check your php.ini file.
In fact,
When Laravel sets the options, it passes 'cookie_lifetime' as the value set in app/config/session.php. However, when the gc (garbage collection) fires off in symfony SessionHandler, it calls PdoSessionHandler.php -> gc () using the $maxlifetime value (1440).
Besides, All cookies created by the Laravel framework are encrypted and signed with an authentication code, meaning they will be considered invalid if they have been changed by the client. To retrieve a cookie value from the request, use the cookie method on an Illuminate\Http\Request instance:
"Native Sessions" can expire randomly, even session lifetime is set to 0 which is end of the browser session. Sorry, something went wrong. Ok, I think I've found the problem, and it appears a small Laravel issue, or misunderstanding.
Laravel includes built-in authentication and session services which are typically accessed via the Auth and Session facades. These features provide cookie based authentication for requests that are initiated from web browsers. They provide methods that allow you to verify a user's credentials and authenticate the user.